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Video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Read the article here: Webinar and video: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
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Kvinnornas röster 2018 Konferens och workshops
Egypt: Closure of the office Nazra for Feminist Studies
Brussels, 20 March 2018 (Information from EuroMed Right’s Press Release) EuroMed Rights is grieved by the closure of the office of Nazra for Feminist Studies, announced by the organisation on Friday 16 March 2018. The closure is a direct consequence of the freezing of the assets of the […]
Rättvisa för Marielle Franco
Här delar vi kampanjen som redan finns på nätet! Denna gång var det feministen, hbtq‐aktivisten, vänsterpolitikern och kanske framför allt de svarta kvinnornas röst, Marielle Franco. Hon avrättades på väg från ett politiskt möte om det eskalerande våldet i Brasilien. I synnerhet polisens och militärernas dödliga våld i […]
Justice for Marielle Franco (eng)
Marielle Franco was a councillor of the city of Rio de Janeiro, member of PSOL ((Partido Socialismo y Libertad), elected by more than 45 000 votes. She was extremely engaged with the needs and demands of the people living in the favelas, with black women and reproductive rights […]
Justicia para Marielle Franco (esp)
La sociedad civil brasilera, en particular los movimientos negro y feminista, así como defensores de los Derechos Humanos, ya expresaron indignación y repudio sobre el asesinato político de Marielle Franco y su conductor Anderson Gomes el miércoles pasado, 14 de marzo. Marielle era una Concejal de la ciudad […]