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Latest News
Webinar: Conflict in the Middle East – How Can Women Contribute to the Peace Process?
Join us for a dialogue on the role of women in fostering peace in the Middle East, featuring feminist peace activists from Palestine and Israel. Date & Time: Thursday, 10 October, 18:00 (online via Zoom) Registration Required. Please register via the link below:https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AhcD84-RRGy83Zvo8KC0bQ?fbclid=IwY2xjawFs0chleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHY4pO4wHZQ_huVAba2bkd9K3T0TQWKOQOKmOOg4Ddxqb1KK0xyARH1gIPQ_aem_SkGdfhJWou9gRXOTb-Y_zA#/registration The webinar is organised in cooperation with ABF […]
Webinar series: The Impacts of Free Trade, Women’s perspectives on Resistance and the Search for Alternatives
Welcome to participate in an upcoming webinar series! The webinars will visualize and link the problems experienced by women workers, land and territory defenders, environmentalists and human rights activists. With a focus on the EU-Mexico Free Trade agreement, the webinars will explore the local resistance, bringing together voices […]
Webinar: Mexicos presidential election – a perspective from women’s social movements
Ayotzinapa förening för MR i Mexiko, GADIP och ABF annonserar Webinar om Mexikos presidentval i år: kvinnliga sociala rörelsers perspektiv Hur ser de ursprungsbefolknings kvinnor, de fackföreningskvinnor och de miljöengagerade kvinnor på situationen i landet? Vad förväntar de sig av en ny regering för att lösa de problem som landet […]
Panel Discussion: The gender perspective at EU level and the role of foreign-born women in politics
Welcome to the panel discussion with candidates for the European Parliament on: The gender perspective at EU level and the role of foreign-born women in politics. 6 maj 18-20 Folkets Hus Hammarkullen Via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZEsdOusqDkiGtNgDj3RYCoVaqVCz… This is part of a Erasmus project We-EMPOWER: Expanding tools in Addressing Barriers […]
Webinar: Corporate Responsibility in the European Union: What’s the feminist way forward?
Join us on 29 April for a webinar on “Corporate Responsibility in the European Union: What’s the feminist way forward?” This webinar will gather CSOs and activists from Europe to take stock of the latest development on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and to sketch […]