The overarching goal is to disseminate information on gender and climate change and how these two topics interact and affect women around the world. In order to reach this goal, we will arrange physical meetings: 2 learning/teaching/training activities in the form of conferences with lectures and workshops included. To these activities, national researchers will be invited as lecturers, as well as partner organizations.
We will also organize 1 multiplier event in the form of a conference with workshops, inviting national participants to discuss and evaluate project results. The two learning/teaching/training activities and the multiplier event will be held during one day each and we will invite both researchers and various national associations involved in adult education as participants.
We will Inspire adult educational associations and local associations who organize study circles on Climate Change. In this way, we will achieve the goal of dissemination of the consequences of climate change and how they interlink with gender, and at the same time be part of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.
For more information
We had the first meeting a learning and training activity 1-4 June 2023 in Viena, Austria. Funded by Erasmus+ European Union.