Konferens: COVID-19 pandemin och kvinnor med utomeuropeisk bakgrund i Sverige – 16 och 17 juni kl 17 – 19
En diskussion om pandemi, feminism, rättigheter, (o) jämlikheter, rasifiering, ekonomi, fattigdom, segregation, utsatthet, våld, samt stöd och sociala nätverk. Konferensen modererades av GADIPs ordförare och lärare Edmé Domínguez med medverkan av specialister och aktivister från olika organisationer. Tryck här för att registrera dig och delta med oss i denna intressanta diskussion.
Webinar Latin American Indigenous Women: feminism, activism, traditions – February 15th 2021 6 pm (UTC +1 CET)
Webinar regarding traditions and gender issues faced by activists and feminists Latin American Indigenous women. With the panelists, militants and academics Norma Don Juan, from the Nahua People in México, Jaqueline Kambiwá, from the Kambiwá People in Brazil. You can find our recording of this webinar here.
Webinar Women and Feminism in Latin America: advances and backlashes – March 9th 2021 6 pm Gothenburg (UTC +1 CET)
Webinar regarding the Latin American feminism achievements, conservative backlashes on gender issues, activism and current challenges, with focus on Argentina, Brazil and México.
The panelists are the academics Maria Eugenia Romero Contreras (México), Graciela Di Marco (Argentina), Cristina Wolff and Morgani Guzzo (Brazil). You can find our recording of this webinar here.
Mexico, Increasing Gender Based Violence and Increasing Feminist Protests Three Mexican activists speak about their experiences and the situation regarding gender based violence as well as the enormous wave of feminist protest in the country; Norma Don Juan, Mujeres Indígenas de México, CONAMI, México, Maru Romero, Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia A.C, México and Gady Dircio, Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia A.C, México
66 Days of Civil Resistance in Belarus through Women’s Eyes, Ongoing Stories Alena Minchenia is a feminist ethnographer. Her doctoral studies deal with political protests in contemporary Belarus. Olga Gorbunova is a taxi-driver, a participant of a queer group of the protestors in Minsk, who worked in a shelter for women survivors of domestic violence. Evgenia Ivanova is a feminist activist, educator, and a researcher.
The COVID pandemia: How are women and the feminist movement in Latin America being impacted? Virginia Vargas from Peru Sociólogist, militant feminist en Perú and Latin America. Graciela di Marco from Argentina Sociologist and prominent specialist on Gender issues in Argentina. Paloma Bonfil from Mexico Social anthropologist and feminist activist, she is one of the most well known specialists on the indigenous women’s situation in Mexico.
Backlash 2. Konferens med fokus på bakslag i den feministiska kampen, med olika tematiska och geografiska perspektiv. The themes include: political rights and Gender based violence (Tunisia)
Backlash against obtained rights: abortion (Poland), Freedom of speech and other rights (Turkey)
Backlash against Gender research (Hungary), Women, migration and the Two-year rule (Sweden)
Collaborative learning for women’s empowerment – workshop on pedagogy with a focus on migrant women”. During this second workshop we wanted to focus on something different – which is pedagogy. The traditional view on pedagogy is based on the act of someone teaching another – a form of thought still present today. With this workshop we aim to present different perspectives and communicate on pedagogy as the knowledge about how we learn.
Women’s Voices: Civil society and immigrant women’s rights. The current political and economic situation in many countries, especially in Europe, is often conducive to unfriendly policies towards migrants and migrant women. However, what this workshop has shown is that there are many positive initiatives that strive to help people in need and bring good to societies. What is often forgotten is that the economy is not only about buying and selling, but there are many interconnected dimensions, and the topics that have been brought about today are all clearly important for the economy in its different dimensions.
Backlash för kvinnor. Intenational conference on women’s right to decide on their own life. have influence in society and not be subjected to physical or mental abuse.
Women in Diaspora: How do they meet and how are they approached in society? GADIP (Gender and Development in Practice) arranged a workshop with guest associations working on women’s health, violence and integration. The aim was to jointly discuss activities and experiences of working together with migrant women.
2016: – GADIP organized an International conference on gendered conditions for refugees during and after refuge. Gender, Refugees and Security. October 21-22, 2016. Gothenburg, Sweden. The two most recent conferences were funded by GIG (The Gothenburg University network for gender research) and by Gothenburg municipality and resulted in detailed reports. GADIP also organizes workshops, open seminars and film screening on gender issues from a global perspective.
2015: – GADIP organized Beijing +20, an update on the consequences of the Beijing conference of 1995.
2014: – GADIP organized an international conference on Gendered consequences of the Economic Crisis in Europe.
2008: – GADIP organized two events in Gothenburg. The theme of the first workshop was Gender and Globalisation and keynote speakers talked about challenges to gender equality in relation to religious revitalisation, sustainable development, HIV prevention, human rights, and gender violence. During GADIP’s evaluation meeting, the practitioners and scholars exchanged experiences and contributed democratically to the development of GADIP. The theme of the second workshop was Gender and Sexuality in Theory and Practice.
2009: – A GADIP workshop on Masculinities in a Global Perspective and a joint workshop with GADNET on the theme Gendered Resistance at Times of Economic Crisis. The workshop speakers were internationally renowned researchers, policy makers and activists. Both events were very successful with more than 50 participants from both civil society and academia.
2008: – GADIP organized two events in Gothenburg. The theme of the first workshop was Gender and Globalisation and keynote speakers talked about challenges to gender equality in relation to religious revitalisation, sustainable development, HIV prevention, human rights, and gender violence. During GADIP’s evaluation meeting, the practitioners and scholars exchanged experiences and contributed democratically to the development of GADIP. The theme of the second workshop was Gender and Sexuality in Theory and Practice.
2007: – The first GADIP meeting between academics and advocates was held